Thursday, February 19, 2009

How can you become more proficient in Keyboarding?PAYING MORE ATTENTION to the teacher  Going to a website were it teaches you how to type. Be a fast writer. Type in a caution mood or manner.Looking at the screen not the keys. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How can learning how to use Keyboarding rules help you in the future?It helps you make very important messages to people(important or not).It helps you get to a 4 year college and graduate from it.It helps you find a better job.It helps you get a better life. Well here my point is that it helps you in many ways to get and graduate a 4 year college. .

Monday, February 16, 2009

How can learning how to use bubble share be helpful in evaluating others PowerPoint?It helps understand  situations in which  the people have put the powerpoint.It helps organize thing so they wouldn't be all over the place. It does things by itself.It saves important stuff that you want.